100 Black Men of America-6th Annual Golf Tourney

This year we are hosting our sixth annual golf tournament at The Republic Golf Club. It is scheduled for Saturday, July 21st. The proceeds of this event are used to support the In-School Store Initiative program and after school tutoring activities for over 2,200 students at six San Antonio Independent School District academies: Henry Carroll, M.L. King, S.H. Gates, Dorie Miller, Bella H. Cameron and Pfeiffer Academy.
Additionally, this year, our organization provided refreshments for over 600 students, parents and SAISD staff members who participated in a science fair for 5th grade students in area II of the district. Our total efforts were noticed and celebrated by SAISD with a “Friends of Education” award bestowed on our origination by the Board of Trustees and the Superintendent at their December meeting.
This tournament taps members of the corporate and business community for a full day of golfing fun. Past tournament sponsors have included: AT &T, GMAC, SAISD Athletic Department, Kraft Foods, University Health System and SBC Communications.
Sponsorship levels for this event are:
---Presenting Sponsor--$5,000.00 –includes logo inclusion on printed signage, mentions in all electronic media promoting the tournament and company name included in allpress releases, display table onsite, golf for eight, eight mulligans and recognition and remarks at the awards luncheon.
---Par Sponsor--$2,500.00—logo inclusion on signage at tournament, golf for six, six mulligans, recognition at the awards luncheon and two signs at selected holes.
---Putt Sponsor--$1,500.00—logo inclusion on signage at tournament, golf for two, two mulligans and one sign at a selected hole.
Thanks in advance for your support of this activity and we look for ward to seeing you on the 21st of July.
Steven Braimer, Jr.
Thanks in advance for your support of this activity and we look for ward to seeing you on the 21st of July.
Steven Braimer, Jr.
President, 100 BMOSA
Hubert Eugene Watson
Golf Chair, 100BMOSA
Hubert Eugene Watson
Golf Chair, 100BMOSA
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