- Friday, January 1st- New Year's Day
- Friday, January 8th- Bexar County Executive Committee Meeting
6:30 p.m. at Holiday Inn Select, 77 NE Loop 410, TX 78216, between McCullough and Jones Maltsberger. Statutory meeting for the candidates to draw for places on the ballot of the Republican Party Primary Election to be held on March 2nd, set time for the Precinct Conventions to convene, and announce the times and locations of the Senatorial District Conventions. Contact for information: Republican Party headquarters at 210-824-9445 or gop@bexargop.org - Tuesday, January 12th - Alamo Pachyderm Club Meeting
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. at The Palm Restaurant, 233 East Houston Street, 78205. Guest Speaker: Sherry Sylvester, Texans for Lawsuit Reform. Valet parking is available. For further information and reservations, contact: Larry Loveall at 210-492-1294 or alamopachyderm@yahoo.com - Wednesday, January 13th - Young Republicans of Bexar County General Meeting 6:30 p.m. For further information and reservations, contact Anne Forbes at annekforbes@gmail.com
- Thursday, January 14th - Roger Williams for U. S. Senate Fundraiser Luncheon 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Boardroom at Club Giraud, 707 N. Saint Marys Street, 78205. For further information, contact: Kyle Jackson at 866-789-9223 or kyle@lillyandcompany.com
- Thursday, January 14th- Republican Business Women of Bexar County Luncheon Meeting, 11 a.m. at San Antonio Country Club, 4100 N. New Braunfels Ave., 78209. Contact for reservations no later than Sunday, January 10th: reservations@BexarRBW.com or Linda Bulger at 210-408-9233
- Thursday, January 14th - Kay Bailey Hutchison for Governor Debate Watch Party TBA p.m. at TBD. For further information, contact: Cassidy at Cassidy@texansforKay.com
- Monday, January 18th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Tuesday, January 19th - Alamo City Republican Women Luncheon Meeting 11 a.m. at Oak Hills Country Club, 5403 Fredericksburg Rd., 78229. Contact for reservations no later than Friday, January 15: Barbara at 210-342-5482, or acrw.reservations@gmail.com
- Tuesday, January 19th - Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman for Place 9 Fundraiser Reception , 5:30 - 7 p.m. at the home of Lisa & Dr. Karl Swann, San Antonio. For further information, contact: Melynda Gulley at 210-828-9162 or melynda_gulley@sbcglobal.net
- Wednesday, January 20th - Northeast Bexar County Republican Women Meeting 11 a.m. at Olympia Hills Golf & Conference Center, 12900 Mount Olympus, Universal City TX 78148. Contact for reservations no later than Sunday, January 17th: Cheri Creekmore at 210-659-4399 or Hazel at 210-497-8717 or hknipp@satx.rr.com
- Wednesday, January 20th - Justice Rebecca Simmons for Texas Supreme Court Place 3 Fundraiser Reception, 6-7:30 p.m. at the home of Linda & Ed Whitacre. For further information, contact: Janelle McArthur at 210-699-1925 or janellemac@aol.com
- Thursday, January 21st - Republican Mens Club Meeting, 11:30 a.m. at Paesanos Restaurant, 555 E. Basse Rd., 78209. Contact for reservations: Robert Colunga at 210-316-9256, president@bcrmc.org or vp_membership@bcrmc.org
- Friday, January 22nd - Bexar County Republican Women Luncheon Meeting 11 a.m. at The Club at Sonterra, 901 Sonterra, 78258. Contact for reservations no later than Monday, January 18: Carol Kraft at 210-492-2176 or ckraft38@att.com
- Saturday, January 23rd - Northwest Republican Club Meeting, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at Buffalo's Southwest Cafe, 11812 Bandera Road, Helotes, 78023. Contact for reservations: Dominick Dina at 210-273-9082 or dadina@swbell.net
- Tuesday, January 26th - Francisco 'Quico' Canseco for Congress, District 23, Fundraiser Reception, 6 p.m. at Club Giraud, 707 N. Saint Marys Street, 78205. For further information, contact: Susan Lilly at 866-789-9223 or susan@lillyandcompany.com
- Friday, January 29th - Rick Perry for Governor Fundraiser Reception
6 p.m. at the Terraza Room, La Margarita, 120 Produce Row, 78205. For further information, contact: Krystal Alvarado at 512-478-3276 or KrystleAlvarado@rickperry.org
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