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Thursday, June 28, 2012

San Antonio Tea Party weighs in on Obamacare Mandate

The long awaited decision on Obama Care has finally arrived, and a weak Supreme Court has let America down again and showed no regard for the limitations placed on government by the  constitution.

The Federal government can now force any citizen to buy any product or service, even if the citizen does not want or need that product or service.

The Court ruled that the Individual Mandate survives as a tax and Declares the entire act to be constitutional, except for some minor restrictions on Medicaid requirements for states.

Chief Justice Roberts sided with the liberals and  Justice Kennedy sided with conservatives, on a five four vote..

This monumentally destructive law must be repealed or nullified prior to full implementation, or many businesses will be forced to close causing a tremendous spike in unemployment.  As the tax base shrinks, America will be left in  another great depression. 

It is the position of the San Antonio Tea Party to support either repeal or nullification of the Affordable Care Act and to provide for health care of Texans via Interstate Compacts like the one signed by Governor Perry in June of 2011.  

President of the San Antonio Tea Party, Allen Tharp.  

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