Over confidence is dangerous. We can not take anything for granted. Get energized by calling all your area of influence.
Start with your family, co-workers, neighbors and friends in the community at large. Work your business contacts, schools and churches.
Posted by
Saturday, October 28, 2006
The polls don't look good at this point for unseating Rick Perry, the worst governor in Texas history.
A large part of the problem lies with the TSTA and the TFT (with the exception of Houston Federation of Teachers, who support Chris Bell) encouraging teachers to support so-called former teacher Grandma "doesn't even know who the president-elect of Mexico (Calderon)is" Strayhorn. Please contact all the teachers you know and get them to switch to Chris Bell. Four more years of Rick Perry will destroy the teaching profession in Texas. Our Democratic nominee Chris Bell is now second in the polls and Strayhorn is in third place. Those currently supporting Strayhorn could make the difference in this race.
Who's assuming Bell's going to win?
Nobody is assuming Chris Bell is going to win. His best chance to win is if teachers defy their organizational "leadership" in TSTA and TFT and follow the lead of Houston Federation of Teachers and support our Democratic nominee, Chris Bell! It would also help if all those so-called "disillusioned voters" recognize that Kinky's just a joke and get serious about supporting a real statesman, Chris Bell!
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