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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Americans for Prosperity says Vote-Yes & No

Recommendations on November 2007 Constitutional Amendment Propositions from Americans for Prosperity Foundation

Vote YES on 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11
Vote NO on 2, 4, 12, 15, 16

Prop. 1 Transferring constitutional facilities funding for Angelo State University. – No Recommendation
Prop. 2 Authorizing general obligation bonds to finance student loans. – Vote No
Prop. 3 Annual 10 percent cap on increases in homestead taxable value. – Vote Yes
Prop. 4 General obligation bonds for state agency construction and repair projects. – Vote No
Prop. 5 Allowing a temporary property tax freeze for smaller city redevelopment. – Vote Yes
Prop. 6 Property tax exemption for a personal vehicle used for business activities. – Vote Yes
Prop. 7 Selling property acquired through eminent domain to former owner at original price. – Vote Yes
Prop. 8 Revisions to home equity loan provisions. – No Recommendation
Prop. 9 Exempting residence homesteads of totally disabled veterans from property taxation. – Vote Yes
Prop. 10 Deleting constitutional references to county office of inspector of hides and animals. - Vote Yes
Prop. 11 Requiring legislators to cast record votes on final passage. – Vote Yes
Prop. 12 Authorizing $5 billion in general obligation bonds for highway improvements. – Vote No
Prop. 13 Allowing judges to deny bail in certain cases involving family violence. – No Recommendation
Prop. 14 Permitting judges reaching mandatory retirement age to finish their terms. – No Recommendation
Prop. 15 Authorizing general obligation bonds to fund cancer research. – Vote No
Prop. 16 Bonds for water and sewer services to economically distressed areas. – Vote No
Quote of the Week: "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." - President Ronald Reagan


Anonymous said...

Yeah, let's not support a proposition authorizing $3 Billion worth of State Bonds to fight cancer.

Americans for Prosperity should change their name to Americans for Cancer.

Steve, why do you continue to put out right-wing talking points yet run for partisan office as a Democrat?

Walker Report said...

If you follow the Walker Report you will notice that both sides of the political spectrum have equal access to the blog as long as they don't make personal attacks on individuals.
I was trained as a military journalist and have covered many events etc on both sides of an issue as an Express-News Reporter and KENS-5 Reporter many years ago.
Don't assume I agree with all positions stated that are posted on the blog. Even as a candidate as a Democrat for JP, I have to listen to both sides of an issue. I don't agree with many who are posted on Walker Report. I even post lots of people I personally dislike and have no use for, but they get posted anyway. Equal time for eveybody, even you!

Anonymous said...

Why should the government be spending money on cancer research? It should be funded by private corporations, which have historically been better at research.