SA Express-News endorses Councilwoman Rebecca Viagran, D3
“District 3 voters should keep Viagran fighting on their behalf in the political trenches at City Hall.
She is an aggressive advocate for her causes.”
[San Antonio Express-News, 4/8/15]
I wanted you to hear the news first: the San Antonio Express-News just endorsed me for re-election!
This is big news -- and I want to make sure everyone knows about it. I know that you share our vision for a safer, more prosperous District 3, so, please, share this news with your friends on Facebook.
Ever since I first took office, I have been a champion for District 3. Together, we have worked to fix our streets; make our neighborhoods safer; and advocate for public safety and workforce development in the district.
The Express-News has “no hesitancy in recommending that voters give [Viagran] a second term in the District 3 post,” but I need your support to win.
Early Vote in this important election is just around the corner, and I need your help to keep up our momentum. Chip in $5 or more today at, and share the Express-News endorsement on Facebook.
Yours in service,

P.S. If you haven't sent in your RSVP for my upcoming fundraiser on Tuesday, April 14 at the Bushnell Apartments, there is still time! Sign up today by clicking here.
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