Judge Penn announces new pilot program to monitor truants
Judge Linda Penn, Justice of the Peace Precinct 4, announced a new pilot program using electronic monitoring for truant students, Friday, August 22nd in her courtroom. The GPS tracking technology will allow her to monitor a sentenced student’s whereabouts 24/7.
The electronic monitoring devices are another tool Judge Penn will add to her Truancy Reduction Plan that includes mentoring, tutoring, counseling and support from community organizations to reduce the level of truancy in Precinct 4.
Walker Report Publisher & Justice of the Peace, Pct. 2, Pl.1 candidate & former Balcones Heights Councilman Steve Walker covering the press conference says, "every indication is that this program will succeed in cutting the number of truants coming to the JP Court. We must get our truants back in class.
"As one who has dealt with truancy for over 30 years in the public schools, I look forward to working with Judge Penn and implementing this program in January when I take office as the JP2 judge."
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