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Monday, February 11, 2008

"Right to Life" endorses Quico Canseco for Congress

Quico Canseco & Quico Jr. (photo)
Republican Primary candidate
Congressional Dist. 23

We are proud to add to our list of endorsements Texas Right to Life! They are joining with the Young Conservatives of Texas and countless business and community leaders across the 23rd and across Texas who are going to be helping Quico to win the Republican nomination. We welcome their support and look forward to the help of Texas Right to Life and their membership as we win the nomination and defeat the liberal democrat incumbent.

As U.S. Congressman Quico Canseco will...
1. Fight to protect the life of every Texan, both those born and those unborn
2. Fight against any public funding, or the use of tax dollars, for abortion procedures or Planned Parenthood facilities & activities
3. Work to help make adoption a viable alternative to abortion
4. Oppose all human cloning and the destruction of human embryos for stem cell research
5. Fight against any laws allowing euthanasia or assisted suicide

Welcome to the team

How can you help?

  • We are going to be block-walking as a team again in Bexar County this coming Saturday and Sunday
  • We are expanding our efforts for door-to-door walking across the district; Can you help?
    Make a financial contribution to help us spread our message:
  • Because of the generous contributions of your time and money we are winning!!
    Thank you.

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