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Saturday, June 04, 2011

South Texas Summit draws County Chairs @ Blue Star, 6-4

L-R: Senatorial candidate & retired Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez & wife, attendees, banners

Texas Democratic Party County Chairs gathered in San Antonio for a South Texas Summit for Democrats to discuss strategy for the 2012 Presidential Election, Saturday, June 4th. Senatorial candidate retired Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez addressed the meeting.


Blue_in_Guadalupe said...

I was glad that Gen. Sanchez was a guest speaker and I was happy with much of what he had to say but he needs to work on economics so he can understand and articulate a message regarding the need for and more importantly the actions necessary to bring jobs back to this country before a generation of Americans are destroyed.

Blue_in_Guadalupe said...

I'm glad we got to meet Gen. Sanchez. I was happy with much of what he had to say but he needs to work on his economic message. He must come to understand the need for a jobs program in this country and that tax breaks for millionaires won't create jobs only demand can do that and it is the federal government's responsibility to provide that demand.