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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A message from District 7 Councilman Justin Rodriguez

From Councilman Justin Rodriguez (photo)

Dear Friends,

Since becoming a council-member several years ago, my perspective on Spring Break has changed a little. Sure I still long for the memorable family getaway to the coast, but these days I just can't seem to get the City budget off my mind.

That's because a significant portion of our general operating fund comes from local sales tax revenue. So every year about this time I cross my fingers that folks from all across Texas -- and the nation -- make their way to San Antonio for Spring Break...and spend their money liberally.

This year, much like 2009, our revenues from sales tax receipts are trending downward. On a serious note, we know that this has a lot to do with the state of the economy. Folks simply have less discretionary income and, in many cases, are simply happy to be employed.

The challenge we have at City Hall is trying to do more with less. We will have an interesting and colorful debate about how best to do that in the coming months. As always, we will do our best to balance our City's fiscal health with your basic service needs. In the meantime, enjoy your Spring Break! And, if you can, go out and spend a little.

We'd certainly appreciate it.
Best regards,

Justin Rodriguez
District 7 Councilman

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