Young Republicans host Conservative Candidates Forum
The Bexar County Young Republicans hosted a Conservative Candidate Forum @ Picante Grill, Wednesday, April 8th.
Speakers included : District 8 candidate Jacob Dell & District 9 candidate Weston Martinez. District 8 Council candidate Melissa Martinez-Carrasco attended but left the forum before speaking due to a prior committment.
It's funny that Weston Martinez spoke at young repubs but was endorsed by young democrats?!?!?!
Melissa Martinez-Carrasco is growing in support from both sides. Too bad they did not fit her to speak that day. She is the future and I am so excited for her! Go Melissa Go! Visit her today at .
District 8 Voter
Melissa Martinez-Carrasco Supporter
Keep up the hard work Young Republicans, it will pay off in the end!
Ryan Dixon
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