Democratic Senatorial District Conventions, March 19th, 2016
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Senate 19th & 21st St. Philips Community College, 800 Quintana Rd. Bldg 81 Senate 25th Toolyard Northeast Service Center, 10303 Toolyard Senate 26th Gervin Center, 6944 Sunbelt Dr. |
The path to participating in the decisions of the Texas Democratic Party
1. Vote in the Democratic Primary. (if someone does not vote in the Democratic Primary for some reason, they can still be a delegate by registering the day of the convention and signing an oath of affiliation, but you won't have a chance to shape the opinion of the committees who do most of the work before the convention convenes.)
2. Pre-Register to be a delegate at the link above.
3. Look at your voter Registration Card to determine what Texas Senatorial District you are in, or check here.
4. Contact the Senatorial District Convention Chair for your District and I suggest that you sign up for at least one support committee so we all ...have a pleasant convention.
The committees are as follows
1. Signage(suggested)
The signage committee makes signs to place on the street and approaches to aid delegates in finding the convention site.
This committee should meet as necessary to produce the signs they think necessary after reviewing the Senatorial convention location,
Their work product are the signs to direct delegates to the convention, deployment of signs by 7 AM the day of the convention and removal
of the signs immediately after the convention.
2. Infrastructure (suggested)
Assures enough laptops, hotspots, printers, pens, pencils, working sound system ect is present at their precinct Convention Location.
3. Snacks, lunch, and drinks (suggested)
The Snacks, lunch and drinks committees will organize potluck or donated food and drink for their Senatorial District Convention.
4. Cleanup Committee (suggested)
Provision for garbage collection and disposal, tidying or janitorial services to return the venue in good condition.
5. Credentials Committee (core)
The credentials Committee checks in pre-Registerants and those who register the day of the Convention
are registered voters and have either voted in the Democratic Primary or signed an oath of affiliation.
Its work product is the verified temporary roll of the attendees present, which will become the official roll of the convention after it is accepted by the body at
which time it is given to the Senatoral Convention Chair to be conveyed to the Texas Democratic Party.
6. Rules and Procedures Committee (Core)
The rules committee proposes special rules of procedures to be in force during the Senatorial District Convention, such as the length of time each speaker
may speak during discussion or debate, the deadline for submitting resolutions for consideration during the convention etc.
These rules are voted on early in the process. The rules committee also proposes and or processes proposed changes to the state rules.
This committee should meet twice before the Senatorial District Convention, between March 2nd and March 18th to consider the convention rules, such as length of discussion/debate etc.
Rule changes may be submitted from now til to one hour after the Senatoral District Convention is called to order, and after that if the atendees do not object.
The work product of this committee is 1 a report containing the special rules of the convention to be delivered to the Convention Chair no later than Friday March 18th 2016,
and 2 a report containing proposed changes to the State Democratic Rules to be presented during the Convention.
7. Nominations. (Core)
The Nominations committee meets on the Day of the Senatorial District Convention to fill the at-large delegate positions that remain after delegates are chozen
by the precinct conventions. It is the responsibility of the Nominations Committee to try to make the demographics of the delagate delegation reflect the that of the
attendees to the SD convention, and to ensure that the presidential preference of delegates selected to attend the state convention reflect the proportion of the
popular vote that each candidate recieved in that Senatoral District, except that a candidate that recieves less than 15% of the primary vote shall not be awarded any delegates.
The work product of the Nominations Committees is the list of delegates chosen to attend the state convention, which is then voted on by the attendees of the convention as a whole.
8. Resolutions (Core)
Resolutions MUST BE submitted on THIS FORM.
The Resolutions Committee will review and as necessary suggest edits for clariity and consolidation of resolutions of like subject matter.
This committee should meet one or two times between March 2nd and March 18th to receive resolutions. To the extent possible the condensed resolutions will be posted on line
The committee also meets during the convention to consider resolution presented the day of the convention.
Resolutions may be submitted up until one hour after the convention is called to order, but every effort should be made to submit
them to the respective Senatoral District Chairs by Feb 15 so that the resolutions committee may review them and make its recommendations.
The convention timeline will be something like this:
The signage committee posts signs to guide the attendees to the correct location.
The Credentials Committee checks attendees in.
The Convention Chair calls the Meeting to order.
The convention secretary, is elected, and the parliamentarian and Sargent of Arms are appointed by the chair.
The special rules for the convention are voted on by the Convention Attendees..
The Precincts and precinct pairs caucus and choose delegates to the state Convention, who will vote on officers, rules and resolutions at the state convention.
Rule changes are considered and voted upon.
Resolutions are presented, discussed and voted on by the Convention.
Senatorial Convention is adorned.
Cleanup Committee tidies Venue.
Signage Committee removes signs.
Convention Chair and Secretary prepare the minutes as a record of the SD Convention's actions, and deliver the minutes, the list of Delegates, the proposed Rule changes, and the Resolutions to the Texas Democratic Party.
1. Vote in the Democratic Primary. (if someone does not vote in the Democratic Primary for some reason, they can still be a delegate by registering the day of the convention and signing an oath of affiliation, but you won't have a chance to shape the opinion of the committees who do most of the work before the convention convenes.)
2. Pre-Register to be a delegate at the link above.
3. Look at your voter Registration Card to determine what Texas Senatorial District you are in, or check here.
4. Contact the Senatorial District Convention Chair for your District and I suggest that you sign up for at least one support committee so we all ...have a pleasant convention.
The committees are as follows
1. Signage(suggested)
The signage committee makes signs to place on the street and approaches to aid delegates in finding the convention site.
This committee should meet as necessary to produce the signs they think necessary after reviewing the Senatorial convention location,
Their work product are the signs to direct delegates to the convention, deployment of signs by 7 AM the day of the convention and removal
of the signs immediately after the convention.
2. Infrastructure (suggested)
Assures enough laptops, hotspots, printers, pens, pencils, working sound system ect is present at their precinct Convention Location.
3. Snacks, lunch, and drinks (suggested)
The Snacks, lunch and drinks committees will organize potluck or donated food and drink for their Senatorial District Convention.
4. Cleanup Committee (suggested)
Provision for garbage collection and disposal, tidying or janitorial services to return the venue in good condition.
5. Credentials Committee (core)
The credentials Committee checks in pre-Registerants and those who register the day of the Convention
are registered voters and have either voted in the Democratic Primary or signed an oath of affiliation.
Its work product is the verified temporary roll of the attendees present, which will become the official roll of the convention after it is accepted by the body at
which time it is given to the Senatoral Convention Chair to be conveyed to the Texas Democratic Party.
6. Rules and Procedures Committee (Core)
The rules committee proposes special rules of procedures to be in force during the Senatorial District Convention, such as the length of time each speaker
may speak during discussion or debate, the deadline for submitting resolutions for consideration during the convention etc.
These rules are voted on early in the process. The rules committee also proposes and or processes proposed changes to the state rules.
This committee should meet twice before the Senatorial District Convention, between March 2nd and March 18th to consider the convention rules, such as length of discussion/debate etc.
Rule changes may be submitted from now til to one hour after the Senatoral District Convention is called to order, and after that if the atendees do not object.
The work product of this committee is 1 a report containing the special rules of the convention to be delivered to the Convention Chair no later than Friday March 18th 2016,
and 2 a report containing proposed changes to the State Democratic Rules to be presented during the Convention.
7. Nominations. (Core)
The Nominations committee meets on the Day of the Senatorial District Convention to fill the at-large delegate positions that remain after delegates are chozen
by the precinct conventions. It is the responsibility of the Nominations Committee to try to make the demographics of the delagate delegation reflect the that of the
attendees to the SD convention, and to ensure that the presidential preference of delegates selected to attend the state convention reflect the proportion of the
popular vote that each candidate recieved in that Senatoral District, except that a candidate that recieves less than 15% of the primary vote shall not be awarded any delegates.
The work product of the Nominations Committees is the list of delegates chosen to attend the state convention, which is then voted on by the attendees of the convention as a whole.
8. Resolutions (Core)
Resolutions MUST BE submitted on THIS FORM.
The Resolutions Committee will review and as necessary suggest edits for clariity and consolidation of resolutions of like subject matter.
This committee should meet one or two times between March 2nd and March 18th to receive resolutions. To the extent possible the condensed resolutions will be posted on line
The committee also meets during the convention to consider resolution presented the day of the convention.
Resolutions may be submitted up until one hour after the convention is called to order, but every effort should be made to submit
them to the respective Senatoral District Chairs by Feb 15 so that the resolutions committee may review them and make its recommendations.
The convention timeline will be something like this:
The signage committee posts signs to guide the attendees to the correct location.
The Credentials Committee checks attendees in.
The Convention Chair calls the Meeting to order.
The convention secretary, is elected, and the parliamentarian and Sargent of Arms are appointed by the chair.
The special rules for the convention are voted on by the Convention Attendees..
The Precincts and precinct pairs caucus and choose delegates to the state Convention, who will vote on officers, rules and resolutions at the state convention.
Rule changes are considered and voted upon.
Resolutions are presented, discussed and voted on by the Convention.
Senatorial Convention is adorned.
Cleanup Committee tidies Venue.
Signage Committee removes signs.
Convention Chair and Secretary prepare the minutes as a record of the SD Convention's actions, and deliver the minutes, the list of Delegates, the proposed Rule changes, and the Resolutions to the Texas Democratic Party.
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