American Flag Tribute early Saturday morning draws veterans
Good news from this morning.....American Flag Tribute Ceremony Early Saturday morning, June 13th.
Veterans gathered at the Drop Zone Café to witness a battle flag to be raised onto the Drop Zone Café’s flagpole. The 173rd Airborne Brigade Sky Soldiers brought the event to their meeting spot which became its sponsor, Drop Zone Café and Bar on 1804 E. Walters St.
The first veteran on the spot, to greet and direct the crowd, was Constable's Deputy Larry Ricketts, former Army Officer/ Vietnam Veteran. He said, “Thanks for a Walker Report Reporter to be here for this story.”
A United Sates Flag presented to a veterans group, in San Antonio, Texas, was honored during and after the Flag Ceremony at the Drop Zone. This American Flag came from the battlefield, a Forward Observation Base (FOB) in Kalagush, Afghanistan.
It was officially dedicated in memory of the 173rd Airborne Brigade and former soldiers from the Vietnam era as well as current soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan. The flag will be on display at full staff for 30 days, at which time will be lowered and placed on permanent display on the “Walls of Honor” at the Drop Zone.
The ceremony was conducted in a professional manner by the veterans. Master Sgt.Frank Martinez was the emcee of the event while SGT ‘Wolfman’ was carrying the retired battle flag to the Flag Display Team.
Sgt. Major Fred Balderrama was in his Class A uniform while Sgt. Major Leo Martinez & Sgt. First Class Abel Candia was in their Battle Dress Uniforms. Major Gen. Jerry Bethke was a guest speaker to announce the early history of the American flag and how it became much respected over periods of time.
“We are here today to have this ceremony to honor this battle flag so that many out there will see our American flags fly freely in the United States of America” quoted Maj. Gen. Jerry Bethke.
All Present: Major Gen. Jerry Bethke, (Army Ret.) Sgt. Major Fred Balderamma, ( Army Ret) Sgt. Major Ed Fernandez (Army Ret.) & Mrs. Hope Fernandez, Owners Drop Zone Café, Sgt. Major Benito Guerrero (Army Ret.) Master Sgt. Frank Martinez (Army Ret.) Sgt. First Class Leo Martinez, (Army Ret.) Captain Larry Ricketts (Army Veteran/Constable's Deputy) Sgt ‘Wolfman’ (Army Ret.) J.R. Garza (Army Veteran) Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Landez WWII Army Veteran, Lt. Col. Lawrence Romo (AF Ret) Captain Tony Mandujano, Army Veteran/Walker Reporter, Tony Z. Mandujano JR. & Yasmine X. Mandujano US Army Vet’s Son & Daughter, and the crowd of more veterans and civilians.
Photos & Story by Captain Tony Mandujano, (Army Ret.)
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