Commissioner Lyle Larson (photo)
Cong. Dist. 23 candidate
The military employs 100,000 people in Bexar County and has an $11.1 billion economic impact. As Chairman of the San Antonio Military Transformation Task Force, Lyle Larson led the effort to protect Bexar County's largest employer. The result -- San Antonio will become the home of military medicine in the world adding 11,000 new jobs and over $2 billion dollars in construction.
Additionally, Lyle Larson is working with commanders at Ft. Sam Houston and Camp Bullis to insure that Camp Bullis becomes an integral part of the military-medical complex. A joint land study is currently underway to protect this installation from further encroachment so that South Texas will fully realize the 2005 BRAC recommendations.
Finally, Lyle Larson is working with commanders at Wilford Hall and BAMC to insure that healthcare delivery for all military retirees remains at the same high level of service after the BRAC recommendations are fully implemented. Lyle is the man who will win back the 23rd District for the Republican Party. Pass along his name to all your friends and family. He's the man to vote for!