Public Forum on the City of San Antonio’s ½ Billion Dollar City Bond It’s Your Money; It’s Your Vote. You Decide on May 12th
Who: The Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP), UTSA’S Center for Policy Studies and the Institute for Law and Public Affairs, the William C. Velasquez Institute (WCVI), and the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center are hosting a community forum to discuss the proposed ½ Billion Dollar City Bond.
When: Monday, April 30th. The forum is scheduled from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Southwest Room of the Durango Building at the UTSA Downtown Campus.Leaders and experts on the bond will discuss where the monies will be allocated and the type of projects earmarked for the 10 districts in San Antonio. Audience members will have an opportunity to ask questions and consider the future of San Antonio.
*Maria Antonietta Berriozabal
*Aurora Ortega-Geis
*Dr. Char Miller
*Graciela Sanchez
*Dr. Heywood Saunders
*Dr. Arturo Vega
*SA Councilman Kevin Wolff
*Mr. Peter Zanoni
“This City Bond is the largest of its kind in our history and voters should determine the future of San Antonio’s growth and the city Bond on Election Day,” says Lydia Camarillo, SVREP Vice President.
“San Antonio voters will be paying for the bond, it makes sense they turnout and vote,” added Camarillo.Political pundits anticipate that less than 3% to 6% (36,000 to 18,000) of the San Antonio Electorate will decide the future of this election. The San Antonio Registrar Office reports that there are 601,673 registered voters in the city who are eligible for the May election.
Community leaders will share facts and opinions on the bond through an informative discussion about the city’s rapid development and how the bond will affect the future of San Antonio’s diverse communities. The forum is free, open to the public, and coincides with the first day of early voting. The period of early voting will continue through Tuesday, May 8th.