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Thursday, July 17, 2008

General Wesley Clark helps Rick Noriega in Dallas Fundraiser

Rick Noriega (photo)
State Rep. & Nat'l Guard Lt. Col.
Senatorial candidate

Comparing his battle for the Senate to David's rumble against Goliath, Democrat Rick Noriega held a fundraiser in Dallas on Wednesday night that attracted nearly 700 people.

"We recognize that it's an uphill fight," Mr. Noriega said of his race against Sen. John Cornyn. As of June 30th, Noriega had just $916,000 in cash, compared with the Republican's $9.4 million.

"If it has to be all about money, then we shouldn't have elections," he said. The fundraiser featured retired Gen. Wesley Clark, a former presidential candidate who was criticized this month for saying John McCain's service in Vietnam didn't qualify him to be president.

Reprinted from Harvey Kronberg in the Quorum Report.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Danny Vice has left a new comment on your post "General Wesley Clark helps Rick Noriega in Dallas ...":

Wesley Clark trips all over himself every time he says anything.

Last go around, Clark crowed endlessly about Kerry’s service, and how horrible it was that anyone would doubt Kerry’s integrity. He held Kerry up as a hero and ABSOLUTELY advertised his service as a reason why Kerry was fit to be commander in chief.

Now he flip flops.

Conservatives flip flop from time to time, but they don’t throw any vet under the bus unless that vet is out there denegrating our troops - like Kerry did.

They are two peas in a pod.

Danny Vice