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Friday, November 22, 2013

50 years ago President Kennedy was killed by Oswald, 11-22

Fifty years ago today President John f. Kennedy (with wife, Jackie) was shot to death by Lee Harvey Oswald. Where were you when it happened?

I was sitting in my Govenment class my Senior year at Niskayuna High School in Schenectady, New York. That particular day ironically we were discussing the line of succession to the presidency if something happened to the President and possibly the Vice President.

As we were having our discussion, the Principal come on the intercom and announced that the President had been shot. You could have heard a pin drop. No one spoke and many in the classroom quietly prayed and others stared off into space.

Finally the bell rang and we moved on to our next class. Moments into the class  the Principal came on the intercom crying that the President was dead! No one moved or spoke. Some students began sobbing. The Principal informed the student body, "Those who walk to school, pick up your books and belongings and go home. Go quietly and orderly. Those who ride buses report to the bus pickup and wait for your bus to take you home. Tonight's school dance is cancelled. School will resume Monday morning." (It was Friday like today) 

In shock we left the building. I never heard a sound other than people scurrying out the door as everyone vacated the building to go home.

Where were you when President John F. Kennedy was shot?

Steve Walker
Walker Report Editor

Editor's note: Send me your recollections and I will post them. Send them to or hit the comment button on this post and tell your story.

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