Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Celebrate Brahms, @ Laurel Heights Methodist Church
The San Antonio Choral society presents "Celebrate Brahms" @ 4 p.m. May 18th, Laurel Heights Methodist, 227 Woodlawn Ave. Tickets are $15 for Adults, $12 for Seniors.
Posted by
Robert Castañeda
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
NHPO to host mixer, Thursday, May 1st @ Cool Cafe
I would like to extend a friendly reminder, that our National Hispanic Professional Organization (NHPO) of San Antonio Monthly Business Mixer will be held this Thursday, May 1st, @t 6:30 p.m. at Cool Cafe, 123 Auditorium, located next door to Havana Riverwalk Inn above Club Cohiba.
I hope you will join us in networking in a professional and inviting environment!Our non-profit partner this month is The Hispanic Women's Network of Texas (HWNT), San Antonio Chapter.
Gloria Rodriguez, President of HWNT, San Antonio will be sharing information about the history and mission of HWNT, current initiatives and events, and the 4th Annual HWNT Scholarship Breakfast that is scheduled for Saturday, June 14th.I look forwarding to seeing you on Thursday!
Anais Biera
Posted by
Robert Castañeda
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Dist. 7 Town Hall Meeting discusses CPS rate hikes, April 30th
L-R: Councilman Justin Rodriguez, State Senator Leticia van de Putte staffer David Yanez, Commissioner Paul Elizondo staffer Victor Cavazos, Loretta van Coppenolle, Julie "Mama Bexar" Oldham, Dr. Kellen McIntire, Councilman Justin Rodriguez staffer Cris Medina, attendees, Pat Neff banner
District 7 Councilman Justin Rodriguez hosted a Town Hall Meeting @ Pat Neff Middle School, Wednesday, April 30th.
Posted by
Robert Castañeda
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Delisi & Meadows appointed to Tex. Transportation Commission
Perry Names Delisi as Chair
"Texas faces serious challenges in providing a transportation infrastructure that will sustain our state’s rapid pace of population and trade growth," said Gov. Perry. "Both Deirdre and Bill have the integrity and expertise to ensure that these needs are met efficiently and responsibly. I am confident their contribution to the commission will maintain the momentum of the late Commissioner Ric Williamson’s pioneering vision, and secure comprehensive transportation solutions that will reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and keep our state’s doors open to economic growth and success."
Meadows is chairman of Hub International Rigg. He is vice chairman of the North Texas Tollway Authority, and a trustee of the Hatton W. Sumners Foundation. He is also a past appointee to the Texas Water Development Board and formerly served as a city council member and mayor pro-tempore for the City of Fort Worth.
Posted by
Joe Solis
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams conference call
Chairman, Railroad Commmission
You are invited to join in a conference call this Thursday with Chairman Michael Williams, Texas Railroad Commission.
You may ask: “What do I care about a Railroad Commissioner?” Good question. As you probably know, the RRC regulates the Texas energy industry and has nothing (at all) to do with railroads. (Your government at work!)
The challenges facing all of us today in the energy industry today are real and conservatives must take the lead as we debate and implement solutions. Those on the other side pose only higher taxes and more regulation as remedies. Michael knows we have a better solution and is looking forward to sharing his vision with you and hearing your thoughts. Chairman Williams has been an active blogger for many years now, perhaps the first statewide elected official in Texas to embrace the medium.
He follows your blog regularly and, like few other officials, recognizes the value of “new media” and the important role you play in advancing the conservative movement in Texas. FYI - Chairman Williams and Senator Cornyn are the only non-judicial statewide candidates on the ballot this November. Chairman Williams is hosting a brief conference call this Thursday evening and would like for you to join him.
Topics of discussion will include:
His reelection campaign and dependence on the blogging community
Americans for Prosperity’s “Hot Air Tour: Exposing the Ballooning Costs of Global Warming Hysteria”
Please make a point to join Chairman Williams on this inaugural conference call. He would like to make this a regular, monthly occurrence. Conference Call with Chairman Michael Williams, Thursday May 1st, 7:30 p.m.
Please RSVP by replying to this email for the call-in number and access code. And feel free to contact me with any questions.
And after the call, if you want to support Chairman Williams on your blog, post a “Bloggers for Williams” logo for your site!
Posted by
Joe Solis
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
SAISD Foundation for Excellence in Education Golf Tourney
SAISD Foundation for Excellence in Education Cinco de Mayo Golf Tournament, May 5th @ the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort & Spa. Registration begins @ 11 a.m. Title Sponsors include: AT&T & HEB.
Posted by
Joe Solis
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
NHPO to host mixer, Thursday, May 1st @ Cool Cafe
Our non-profit partner this month is The Hispanic Women's Network of Texas (HWNT), San Antonio Chapter. Gloria Rodriguez, President of HWNT, San Antonio will be sharing information about the history and mission of HWNT, current initiatives and events, and the 4th Annual HWNT Scholarship Breakfast that is scheduled for Saturday, June 14th.
I look forwarding to seeing you on Thursday!
Posted by
Joe Solis
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Texas GOP Convention, June 12th-14th, Ron Paul supporters

210-386-0720, UTSA-EE Undergrad,
Posted by
Joe Solis
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
SAMA presents Concert: Myth & Music, Monday, May 5th
Statue of the sleeping Ariadne. Roman, 2nd century A.D.
Concert: Myth and Music, Monday, May 5th @ 7 p.m.
Great Hall. $6/member, $8/student with ID, $10/non-member. Call 210.978.8151 for advanced tickets.
The San Antonio Museum of Art and Musical Offerings present Myth and Music, a concert celebrating the reopening of SAMA's Greek and Roman Galleries. Full program here.
Posted by
Robert Castañeda
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Drop-in family Day, Picture This!! Sunday, May 4th

Sunday, May 4th
1 to 5 p.m.
Free with Museum admission.
Express your individuality and learn the importance of visual language. Become inspired by the large-scale photographs taken by George O. Jackson, Jr. as you learn about line, color, composition and form. Create your own self-portraits and masks and master the art of face painting across cultures! Full program here.
Posted by
Robert Castañeda
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
District 7 Town Hall meeting on CPS Energy Increase
District 7 Town Hall Meeting with Councilman Justin Rodriguez, Wednesday April 30th, 6:30 p.m. @ Pat Neff Middle School, 5227 Evers Road on the proposed CPS Energy Rate Increase.
Posted by
Robert Castañeda
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
SA AFL-CIO, Central Labor Council to host panel discussion
April 30th @ 6 p.m. @ the Granada Homes Chapel , 311 S. St. Mary's, the San Antonio AFL-CIO will host a Worker's Day Memorial Day Service and Blessing of the Workers, & a Panel Discussion about the Status of Healthcare in America.
Posted by
Robert Castañeda
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Judge Monica Caballero Victory & Debt Retirement Party
Judge Monica Caballero Victory Celebration & Retirement Party, Wednesday, May 7th from 6-9 p.m. @ Roosevelt Party House, Roosevelt City Park, 331 Roosevelt.
RSVP: call Alice Guerra @ 732-8111.
Posted by
Robert Castañeda
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Justice Catherine Stone fundraiser, June 25th @ Villita Hall
Rockin with Stone, Wednesday, June 25th from 6-9 p.m. @ Villita Assembly Hall. Justice Catherine Stone, candidate for Chief Justice, 4th Court of Appeals.
Entertainment by Music Legend Ray Wylie Hubbard. Call for sponsorship @ 732-8111.
Posted by
Robert Castañeda
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Gov. Perry & 5,000 Texans run 5th Annual Texas Roundup
Annual fitness festival also hosts 2008 USA Track and Field Masters 10K Championships
"Working regular exercise and a balanced diet into daily life can yield significant benefits not only for individuals, but the state too," Perry said. "Obesity and obesity-related illnesses affect too many Texans. Initiatives like the Texas Round-Up encourage Texans to shed lethargic lifestyles by offering a fun, family-friendly venue to begin, or continue, a health lifestyle routine."
The governor was joined at the race by the individual, city and agency winners of the Governor’s Fitness Challenge. These include "Fit Texan" Norman Langwell, Jr.; the cities of Manor, Pflugerville, Huntsville, Abilene and Austin; and the Cancer Council, Veterans Commission, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and Department of Transportation.
This year, Texas Round-Up was chosen by USA Track and Field to host the Masters 10K Championships. USA Track and Field is the national governing body for track and field, long-distance running and race walking in the U.S. Competing in the race are Olympians Sean Wade and Colleen De Reuck, national champion Dennis Simonitis and 71 USA Track and Field Masters.
Posted by
Gladia Hollis
Monday, April 28, 2008
First Official Hispanic Heritage Center of Texas in SA
Rudi Rodriguez (photo)
TexasTejano. com
Wednesday April 30th, 5:30 p.m.
Texas, along with prominent State of Texas and San Antonio community leaders respectfully requests your presence at a historic announcement to launch the concept of establishing the first official Hispanic Heritage Center of Texas to be located in San Antonio.
Please join us at this important event on Wednesday April 30th at 5:30 p.m. at San Fernando Cathedral's City Centre Cafe on newly renovated Main Plaza. Refreshments and hors'doeuvres will be served.
Rudi R. Rodriguez is the President/Founder.
For more information and to RSVP, contact at (210) 673-3584 or via E-mail at
Posted by
Gladia Hollis
Monday, April 28, 2008
Auditions for "The Senator Wore Panty Hose," Stoli Playhouse
The Senator Wore Panty Hose - Auditions by Billy Van Zandt and Jane Milmore
The Steven Stoli Playhouse Audition Dates: Sunday, May 4th @ 6 p.m., Auditions to be held at: The Steven Stoli Playhouse – 11838 Wurzbach at Lockhill Selma.
Characters: Chauncy Quince - a fussy, excitable gossip and Inn Keeper 40’s to 50’s
Gabby Sandalson- Senator running for President 40’s to 60’s
Susan Sandalson - Gabby's loyal wife – 40’s to 60’s
Paddy McMutton- Escaped Convict – 20’s –50’s
Reverend Johnny Burgermeister - TV Evangelist 40’s - early 50’s
Honey Pie - The Reverend's wife, A Tammy Faye Bakker type – 30’s –50’s
Tony – Gangster – 20’s –50’s
Don "Scoop" Bother - Geraldo Rivera/Dan Rather -type Journalist 30’s – 50’s
Nellie - Wayward Single Girl – 20’s – 30’s
Posted by
Gladia Hollis
Monday, April 28, 2008
Religion, Science & Evolution: Showdown in Texas Education
April 29th
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Chapman Auditorium
Trinity University
Religion, Science and Evolution:
The Pending Showdown in Texas Science Education
A Panel Discussion sponsored by:
Texas Freedom Network
The SoL Center at University Presbyterian Church
Trinity University, Departments of Biology & Education
The state of Texas is currently undergoing a review of its science curriculum with an eye towards adopting new standards and selecting new science textbooks by spring of 2010. Please join us for an engaging discussion about evolution and the future of science education in Texas .
Panel Moderator:
Eliza Sonneland
Talk radio host
Rabbi Barry Block
Temple Beth-El
Carol Brown
Saint Mary’s Hall science teacher and Presbyterian Elder
Ryan Valentine
Deputy Director , Texas Freedom Network
Dr. David O. Ribble
Chair, Department of Biology, Trinity University
Reception to follow.
For more information call the SoL Center at 732-9927 or Email
Posted by
Gladia Hollis
Monday, April 28, 2008
St. Louis Alderman says "nothing would happen" with cameras
Drivers often ignore fines from red-light traffic cameras
By The Associated Press
April 27th
St. Louis — Red-light traffic cameras have generated a steady stream of revenue for cities in the St. Louis area as motorists caught running red lights pay fines of $100 per violation. But cities that installed the cameras are finding it’s not so easy to collect from those who refuse to pay the tickets.
For a regular traffic ticket, failure to respond often results in a judge ordering a warrant to arrest the driver. But on the majority of red-light camera tickets, the court cannot be sure that the registered owner of the vehicle was driving, making it difficult to issue an arrest warrant. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported Sunday that chronic red-light violators represent a weakness in photo-enforcement programs.
Other drivers appear to be changing their habits: A sharp decline in camera citations has been reported at several St. Louis intersections.Because most red-light cameras take a picture only of the car — not the driver — it’s difficult for cities here and around the country to make people pay. Officials acknowledge that, for now, there’s little they can do.
“If you threw it in the trash,” says St. Louis Alderman Freeman Bosley Sr., chairman of the aldermanic Traffic Committee, “nothing would happen.” In St. Louis, the cameras have raised more than $1.4 million since they were activated nearly a year ago.
But many of the fines are going uncollected. In Arnold, about 30 percent of the citations issued from October 2005 through January had not been paid. The nonpayment rate in St. Louis is about 35 percent.
“Right now, we have no active program to go after these people other than request that they comply with the law,” said Timothy W. Kelly, the municipal judge in Florissant. Kelly presides over red-light camera court, held four times a month in Florissant. There, drivers contesting tickets face what is often fairly convincing evidence of a video of them cruising through the light.
But if a driver decides to ignore the ticket altogether, the next step is typically just another letter requesting that they respond. Some cities have sought to address the shortcomings by employing a creative definition of what it means to run a red light, or making it a separate crime to ignore the violations notice.
Last year, the St. Louis suburb of Creve Coeur established the infraction of “violation of public safety at intersections,” committed when a “motor vehicle of which that person is an owner is present in an intersection” while the traffic signal is red.The law applies only at intersections with cameras. It also allows the city to prosecute individuals for simply not responding to a citation notice.
Posted by
Gladia Hollis
Monday, April 28, 2008
More on Red-Light Cameras from Blogger Mis-Behavin
Red light cameras sued as unconstitutional In Red light scam lawsuit, Mark Cevallos, right light camera
Former Balcones Heights Councilman Steve Walker, a lone dissenter against the installation of the cameras and voted against the ordinance in 2006 says, “From what little I know about the alleged lawsuit, it appears that Mr. Cevallos is saying exactly what I maintained back when we voted to allow the cameras.”
Cool stuff
Posted by
Gladia Hollis
Monday, April 28, 2008
Cinco de Mayo Celebration @ Jefferson High School
District 7 Councilman Justin Rodriguez introduces the San Antonio Symphony for the Cinco de Mayo Concert Series, Thursday, May 1st @ 7 p.m. @ Jefferson High School, 723 Donaldson. Free Admission. Call 733-7525 for more information.
Posted by
Gladia Hollis
Monday, April 28, 2008
Shavano Park Business Association to host mixer, May 7th
Shavano Park Business Association is inviting everyone to their 5th mixer of 2008. No cost to attend!
Please join us to mix, mingle and meet new business partners.
Wednesday, May 7th
From 5:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m.
16535 Huebner Rd., Suite 112
(Corner of Huebner & Bitters)
(210) 479-5955
Mel Williams, Owner
Please RSVP at:
Mission: The mission of the Shavano Park Business Association is to empower Shavano Park and surrounding area businesses to achieve their business goals by providing education and networking opportunities for the community. We value the free exchange of ideas in an environment that embraces honesty and personal responsibility, as well as intellectual and cultural diversity.
Vision: To explore and develop strengths and unique potential in every business and business professional. To inspire people to make the courageous choice to network, grow and support the community.
Posted by
Gladia Hollis
Monday, April 28, 2008
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation kicks off Great Strides Walk
Local Fund-raiser Part of National Effort to Fight Life-threatening Disease
The Lone Star Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation announced the kick-off of Great strides, the largest CF fund-raiser in the country. Great Strides raises critical funds for life-saving research, education and care programs for cystic fibrosis, a fatal genetic disease.
In San Antonio participation in Great Strides is expected to break attendance records this year. The walk is scheduled at the Arneson River Theatre and will coincide with Cystic Fibrosis Awareness month in May. The route will start at the lovely Arneson River Theatre, move along the picturesque San Antonio Riverwalk, into the Hemisfair Park and then head into the King William neighborhood and conclude back at the Arneson River Theatre.
Saturday May 3rd, Arneson River Theatre 9 a.m.
Corporate sponsors of the San Antonio Great Strides include American Airlines, Solvay, Airgas, Oak Farms, Axcan Pharma, Allstate, Custom Fitness Center, Nerd Energy, Tower of the Americas, Security Service Federal Credit Union, Starbucks, and Valero.
This year we are proud to have San Antonio City Manager Sheryl Sculley as the Honorary Chair, NEWS 4 anchors Randy Beamer and Delaine Mathieu will be our emcees and the band The Harley’s will be performing for all the walkers and attendees. The HE ‘Buddy’ and McGruff the Crime Dog will entertain children.
The CF Foundation has been recognized as one of the most efficient charities in the country. Nearly 90 cents on the dollar raised by the CF Foundation is available to fund CF research and care programs.
About the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Hugh H. Farr, Executive Director
Lone Star Chapter Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
8620 North New Braunfels, Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78217
Phone: (210) 829-7267, E-mail:
Posted by
Gladia Hollis
Monday, April 28, 2008