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Monday, February 13, 2012

Proven Judicial Leadership, "Re-Elect Common Sense"

Judge Steve Walker was elected to the bench in November of 2008 and four years later he is proud to cite the following accomplishments, leadership contributions, and improvements:

1. Since elected there has been NO backlog of any kind of cases in Pct. 2. As Presiding Judge it has been Judge Walker's priority to expedite the time plaintiffs, defendants, witnesses and lawyers from all dockets spend in court on cases that affect them. He is also respectful of the time of public servants that work night shifts protecting citizens. All cases are handled in a timely manner and unless defendants/plaintiffs request a reset of their case, the docket moves quickly and fairly.

2. In dealing with truants & disorderly students, Judge Walker has initiated as a positive deterrent a Public Library Card & Book Report Program mandating students to secure a library card, write a book report and return to the court to present it. Additionally, he mandates students to either attend tutoring sessions or tutor other students who need assistance in lieu of community service. These tutoring programs are highly successful, and allow the judge to redirect students back into the classroom limiting the number of dropouts. The Public Library has increased the number of young people who now have a public library card and the ability to check-out books. These students rarely return.

3. Concerned with time and efficiency, the Judge begins each docket with a quick briefing on courtroom procedure so defendants and plaintiffs know the ground rules and what to expect to ensure a level playing field.

4. As a public service, Judge Walker launched, in the last four years, a successful and popular Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 Educational Campaign speaking to hundreds of community groups, numerous schools, and neighborhood associations about the use of the court and truancy issues.

5. Judge Walker writes a weekly guest column for the Sunday edition of La Prensa of SA, titled "Ask the Judge" to inform readers on all aspects of courtroom procedure and do’s and don’ts when coming to Justice of the Peace Court as a public service, of his ongoing Educational Campaign.

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