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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bexar County Democratic Party Candidacy Petition, 11-5

Bexar County Democratic Party Candidacy Petition-Signing Event

Dear Fellow Democrat;
Your 2010 Democratic candidates need your help, and all you do is sign your name! We have candidates running for 34 offices who need signatures of several hundred registered voters to have their name placed on the 2010 Democratic Primary ballot.

The Petition-Signing event will be Thursday, November 5th, any time between 5:30 and 8:30 p.m. at the VFW Post 8541. Please come support your Democratic candidates, and meet your current and future elected officials. Bring your family and friends. If you tell us that you and your guests are coming, we will pre-print your petition information and save you time. You can skip the label-printing line and go directly to the candidates and their petitions. RSVP by calling the office 785-0962 or emailing, and provide your name, address, and birth date or voter ID.

Petition-Signing Partyfor 2010 Democratic Primary Candidates, Thursday, November 5th. Come any time from 5:30 to 8:30p.m.VFW Post 854, 12222 Austin Hwy. Thank you for working for democracy!


Bexar County Democratic Party1322 N St Mary's,
San Antonio, TX 78215
210 785-0962

Call now: 210 785-0962, or email

Senatorial candidate John Sharp @ Milam Park, 10-31

Join John Sharp,(photo) Rep. Roland Gutierrez and Sen. Leticia Van de Putte for ‘Scare in the Square’ fun October 31st — and bring the kids!”Saturday, October 31st from 3-6 p.m., Milam Park at Market Square. Live music by Gabe Nieto and the Jalapeno Express.

Moonwalk bouncing, face painting, trick-or-treat candy, and a scre-e-a-a-ming good time!LULAC will host a voter registration tent for adults. Sign up to make your voice heard in the upcoming special U.S. Senate election!

Come meet State Sen. Van de Putte, Rep. Roland Gutierrez and U.S. Senator-to-be John Sharp at a VIP reception in La Margarita restaurant to kick off the fun at 3 p.m.

Fundraiser for Paul Talamantez for 285th District Court, 11-14

Democrat Precinct Chair Pachanga, Saturday, November 14th from 3-6 p.m. @ the law Offices of Rey Diaz, 1615 Broadway.

Fundraiser for judicial candidate Dinorah Diaz, 11-21

Fundraiser for judicial candidate for the 187th District Court, Dinorah Diaz, November 21st @ the home of Dr. Joseph Diaz, 200 Primrose, from 7-11 p.m.

Updated Local Calendar for the months of November/December

District 7 reception, November 4th @ Pearl Brewery

  • November 4th-You are cordially invited to a fundraising reception honoring District 7 @ the II Sogno in the Pearl Brewery, 200 E. Grayson Street Ste. 110, from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. November 4th. Business Attire.Checks payable to Justin Rodriguez Campaign. PO Box 100153, SATX, 78201. Email:

  • November 5th-Thursday, November 5th-County Court at Law No. 4 Judge Sarah Garrahan Fundraiser Reception. 5:30 - 7 p.m. at Cadillac Bar. For information and reservations, contact at 210-335-2426.

  • November 5th-Petition-Signing Party for 2010 Democratic Primary Candidates,th. Thursday, November. Come any time from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. VFW Post 854, 12222 Austin Hwy. Thank you for working for democracy!

  • November 5th-Mission Democrats of Bexar County, Thursday, @ 7 p.m. @Presa Community center, 3721 S. Presa.

  • November 5th-Build Your Business Network, Thursday, November 5th from 7-9 a.m. @ Aldaco's Mexican Cuisine, 100 E. Hoefgen @ Sunset Station.

  • November 5th-Working Women's Celebration. You are invited to a party for Paul Talamantez, candidate for Judge of the 285th District Court, November 5th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. @ Absolutely Everything Catering, 3915 San Pedro Ave. 78212. Please RSVP by October 30th to 385-9075.
  • November 5th- The National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA) - San Antonio Chapter is hosting its 11th Annual Gala to help raise funds for scholarships for graduate students. The keynote address will be delivered by Texas Secretary of State Esperanza "Hope" Andrade and she will be introduced by San Antonio Deputy City Manager A.J. Rodriguez,Thursday, Nov. 5th @ 6 p.m. Reception & 7 p.m. Program, @ Witte Museum, Prassel Auditorium, 3801 Broadway.

  • November 6th-Friday, Republican Party of Texas Headquarters Grand Opening Launch Party, Ribbon Cutting at Noon in Austin.
  • November 6th-Commencement Speaker Rep. Mike Villarreal. the Galen College of Nursing will hold its first graduation ceremony for registered nurse (RN) graduates, as 35 RN students receive their Associate of Applied Science degrees in Nursing. am permitted to offer associate degree nursing education in the state of Texas. Galen College of Nursing Graduation Ceremony, St. Paul Community Center, 1201 Donaldson, 7 p.m.
  • November 7th-Saturday, Republican Party of Texas School for Candidates & Campaign Staffs, Austin, Texas, 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Republican Party of Texas Headquarters, 1108 Lavaca St., Austin TX 78701. $25 per person. For further information and reservations, contact: Jamie Mathis at 512-477-9821 or

  • November 7th-2009 Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Gala & Silent Auction, Westin Riverwalk Hotel, @ 7 p.m. Theme "Speak the Truth."

  • November 7th-Judicial candidate (County Court #4) Alfredo Ximenez will host a Backyard BBQ, Saturday, November 7th from noon-3 p.m. @ the Frio Bar & Grill, 801 N. Frio. Tickets are $10.

  • November 7th-Fundraising Reception & Silent Auction, for the Bexar County Young Democrats with guest speaker Mayor Julian Castro November 7th @ 13707 Cape Bluff, 78216. All funds raised will be used for the 2010 Bexar County Democratic Primary “Get Out The Vote” activities targeted to voters 18 - 35 years of age.

  • November 9th-Monday, former Councilwoman Delicia Herrera's official announcement to run for Commissioner Pct. 2, 10 a.m. Bexar County Courthouse steps. Plan to arrive 15 minutes before.

  • November 10th-Launch party for a rising star for judicial candidate for the 437th District Court, Pamela Gabriel Craig, Tuesday Nov 10th from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the home of Steve and Carrie Sinkin with other sponsors to be named at a later date.

  • November 10th-Fundraiser for Commissioner Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez @ the Little Red Barn from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. More details to follow.

  • November 12th-Please join Deborah Sandheinrich on November 12th at the Menger Hotel as she campaigns to become the next Judge of County Court at Law No. 7. Individual Ticket is $50, Friend: $ 200, Supporter: $500 and Sponsor:$1,000. For more information contact; Terrie Dougherty @ 882-8437 or e-mail

  • Nov. 12th-Judge Michael LaHood Fundraiser @ 5:30 p.m. @ Absolutely Everything Catering, 3915 San Pedro Ave.

  • November 12th-Stephanie Boyd Fundraiser for Judicial Candidate, 290th District Court, Thursday, November 12th, 6- 8 p.m. @ Tommy Moore’s Café & Deli, 915 S. Hackberry.

  • November 12th-Thursday, November 12th-Republican Business Women of Bexar County Luncheon Meeting. 11 a.m. @ San Antonio Country Club, 4100 N. New Braunfels Ave., 78209. Guest Speaker: Lt. General Steve R. Polk, former Commander in the Pacific Theater.Topic: North Korea. Former County Commissioner Lyle Larson will introduce General Polk. Contact for reservations no later than Sunday, November 8th. or Linda Bulger at 210-408-9233

  • November 12th-Thursday, -Hon. Richard Price for 224th District Judge Campaign Kickoff Fundraiser Reception, 5:30 - 7 p.m. at TBA.
  • November 13th-You are invited to join Congressman Charlie Gonzalez, for an unforgettable fundraising evening @ Casino Casablanca @ the Pearl Stable, from 5:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.

  • November 14th-Paul Talamantez for Judge, Democrat Precinct Chair Pachanga, Saturday, November 14th from 3-6 p.m. @ the law Offices of Rey Diaz, 1615 Broadway.

  • November 16th-Please join special guests from the Spurs Bruce Bowen, Malik Rose & NBA Superstar Tim Duncan, & ABC's "Desperate Housewives" Actor Ricardo Chavira, for a reception honoring District Attorney candidate Nico LaHood @ the El Tropicano Hotel, 110 Lexington from 6-8:30 p.m. Monday, November 16th. RSVP: Sherry Boyles @ 296-8577. Tickets: $100 each. Sponsorships available.

  • November 19th-Please save the Date for a reception honoring Florida Governor Charlie Crist, a Republican candidate for Florida Senator, Thursday, November 9th from 5:30-7 p.m. @ Paesano's, Lincoln Heights, 555 E. Basse Road. For more info: contact Dane Eagle,

  • November 19th-Burning Desire, "Ceramic Sculpture by Laurel Gibson" Exhibit, Friday, @ 5:30 p.m.- Saturday, December 19th @ 5 p.m.
    @ the Bihl Haus Arts, 2803 Fredericksburg Road, 78201.
  • November 19th-Wise Owls Please add to the calendar " Come host an evening with Taj and Cheryl Matthews,a fundraiser honoring Judge Linda Penn. Keep her in County Court #5, 1211 Wyoming, 78203 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. r.s.v.p. to Gerard Ponce @

  • November 20th-Lori Valenzuela, newly appointed Judge of the 437th Judicial District Court, kickoff fundraiser at the Valencia Hotel on November 20th from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

  • November 21st-November 21st-Save the Date-Fundraiser for judicial candidate Dinorah Diaz for the 187th District Court, @ the home of Dr. Joseph Diaz, 900 Primrose, from 7-11 p.m.
  • November 21st-Judge Peter Sakai presents Family Fest featuring SA Super Star competition showcasing the strength of SA Youth, Saturday, November 21st from 11 a.m.- 8 p.m.For more info call: Alice Guerra @ 732-8111.

  • November 26th-Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving @ Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center @ 10 a.m.

  • December 3rd-Thursday, December 3rd, Save the Date for Judge Ernest Acevedo campaign party. More info to come.

  • December 3rd-Thursday, - 4th Court of Appeals Justice Marialyn Barnard Fundraising Reception, 5:30 - 7 p.m. at TBA. For information contact Janelle McArthur at 210-699-1925.

  • December 8th-Tuesday, Republican Party of Bexar County Biennial Hall of Fame Dinner @ 5:30 p.m. at San Antonio Country Club, 4100 N. New Braunfels Avenue, 78209. Honoring Republican activists. For information about sponsorship levels and table reservations, contact GOP headquarters at 210-824-9445 or

  • December 8th-550 KTSA Talk Show Host Jack Riccardi hosts his annual "Wrappin with Jack" @ Northside Ford on 281 from 7-9 p.m. Bring an unwrapped Christmas toy to Northside Ford for wrapping by Jack's wrappers.

  • December 10th-Majella, San Antonio Benefit Dinner, Thursday, December 10th @ 7 p.m., Grand Hyatt San Antonio, 600 E. Market St. Guest Speaker Actress Kathy Ireland.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Monthly Prayer Meeting @ the Upper Room on S. Flores

Community transformation starts with fervent prayer! Join with Protestants and Catholics from across San Antonio and cry out to God! No reservations required. Just show up ready to intercede for our city!
Church of the City Prayer Meeting

7 p.m. 8:30 p.m., Upper Room
Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal
1707 South Flores Street, San Antonio , Texas 78204
Please park across the street marked parking for St. Henry 's

Click here for directions

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

National Alliance of Craftsmen presents Linda Ronstadt, 11-7

The National alliance of Craftsmen presents an evening with Linda Ronstadt in concert, Saturday, November 7th @ Municipal Auditorum. 223-4418.

Judge Lori Valenzuela kickoff fundraiser @ Valencia Hotel, 11-20

Lori Valenzuela, (photo) newly appointed Judge of the 437th Judicial District Court, kickoff fundraiser at the Valencia Hotel on November 20th from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Larry Romo nominated by Prez to head the Selective Service

Military veteran & San Antonio native Larry Romo (photo) was nominated by President Barack Obama to head the Selective Service System.

Romo, a retired Air Force Reserve Lieutenant Colonel is an admissions liaison officer for the Air Force Academy where he earned his undergraduate degree.

If confirmed, Romo will oversee the draft if it is re-instated.

Reception for Governor Charlie Crist, @ Paesano's, 11-19

Please save the Date for a reception honoring Florida Governor Charlie Crist, a Republican candidate for Florida Senator, Thursday, November 19th from 5:30-7 p.m. @ Paesano's, Lincoln Heights, 555 E. Basse Road. For more info: contact Dane Eagle,

Judge Lawrence Morales announces his run for office, 10-24

The Honorable Municipal Judge Lawrence Morales of Leon Valley (27 yrs.) , Live Oak (7 years), Boerne (5 yrs), and China Grove (3 yrs), announced his candidacy for Judge of the Bexar County 285th District Court in front of a crowd of family, friends, and neighbors at the old Black Diamond Grocery Store on the corner of 24th and Poplar St., on Saturday October 24th.

The only candidate with 27 years judicial experience, Judge Morales chose to use the convenience store his family once owned, and where his work experience began, as the backdrop for his announcement. Judge Morales explained his choice of the small corner store as the setting for the announcement,

"This is where it all began, where I learned the values of hard work and community, selling watermelons with my Dad, these lessons and values I gained while young, I will always remember as I decide the important cases that effect everyday people that will come before me as Judge of the 285th. I am keenly aware of the importance of electing, and keeping competent, experienced, and impartial judges in the Bexar County Courthouse."

"The Honorable Michael P. Peden has presided over the 285th District Court for many years with honor and dedication. Judge Peden is not seeking re-election, and has decided to retire from the bench at the end of this term. It would be my honor and privilege to succeed Judge Peden, and to continue serving the citizens of Bexar County", announced Judge Morales.

Surrounded by Morales supporters and local residents at the Black Diamond Grocery Store at the intersection of Poplar & 24th Streets on the city's westside, the crowd was treated to fresh watermelon slices and an intimate musical performance by award winning and Smithsonian honorees, Max Baca and David Farias of Los TexManiacs.

Judge Morales is a graduate of Fox Tech High School. He earned his BA in political science from St. Mary's University and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from Thurgood Marshall School of Law. Judge Morales is also proud of being an award winning coach of Rosedale Select Baseball League.

Pastor of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church dies @ 50

By Edmund Tijerina - Express-News

The Rev. E. Thurman Walker, (photo) the pastor of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church who tripled the membership of his congregation, united local African American churches, built interfaith bridges and expanded his church's reach through partnerships with business and political leaders, died Mondayafter a decadelong battle against cancer.He was 50.

“Rev. Walker was a tremendous leader of the San Antonio religious community,” said Rabbi Barry Block, senior rabbi at Temple Beth-El, who worked with Walker on many interfaith activities. “He was a towering figure, not just on the East Side, but for all of San Antonio.” In his role at Antioch, Walker balanced his duties with his own congregation with that of building a coalition of African American churches and interfaith efforts.

A longtime friend who worked with him on projects, Juan Sepúlveda, a San Antonian who now serves as the director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans, described it as working on “parallel tracks.”

“A lot of folks don't realize the role he played in making things happen,” Sepúlveda said. “He was able to build upon the struggles of where the African American community came from and do it in a way that made you want to join him.”

A San Antonio native, Walker began his ministry here in 1987 as the assistant pastor to the Rev. John Joseph Rector Sr., who had served 40 years in that position. Walker became pastor after Rector died in 1993. Under Walker's leadership, Antioch grew to around 3,000 members and tripled its budget. In 1995, he founded the Christian Academy, a private school at the church.

In 2000, Walker founded a nonprofit corporation, the Antioch Community Transformation Network, to provide an alternative way to serve the community in addition to traditional church-based programs.

Meanwhile, he led the creation of Community Churches for Social Action, a coalition of East Side churches that gave them a larger voice as a group. He also worked behind the scenes in business and politics, and last year he delivered the opening prayer at a campaign appearance by then-Sen. Barack Obama.

Walker came to the ministry well-prepared in business and religious matters. He received his bachelor's in accounting from Colorado College, his master of divinity degree from the Interdenominational Theological Center at Morehouse College in Atlanta, and his doctorate in ministry from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio.

Walter L. Starks, pastor emeritus of Grace First Baptist Church, called Walker a people-person and dynamic leader. “He will be so missed,” Starks said. “He made a tremendous impact and leaves a tremendous loss in the East Side community.” Walker's cancer was diagnosed in 2000. In declining health, he turned over the church's daily operations several months ago.

Staff Writer Vincent T. Davis contributed to this report.

RPT announces selection of new State Chair Cathie Adams

Cathie Adams Elected Chairman of the RPT

We are very pleased to announce that Cathie Adams was elected Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas this past weekend. In a vote of 36-25 by the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) Saturday, Adams was elected to succeed Tina Benkiser, who stepped down as chairman Oct 5th. The vote took place at a special called meeting of the SREC, at the party's headquarters in Austin.

Cathie Adams comes to the party from a long career supporting the conservative cause in Texas, as an election judge, a member of the district, state and national resolutions/platform committees; a Delegate to every senatorial and state convention since 1988; and a Delegate to the 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008 Republican National Conventions.

At the 2008 State Convention, Cathie was elected as the Republican National Committeewoman for Texas. Adams has also served as president of the Texas Eagle Forum for 16 years. Please join us in congratulating Melinda Fredericks and Mary Yoly Moore, both of whom ran strong campaigns for RPT chairman, and please join us in giving Cathie a warm welcome as the party's new chairman

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Judicial candidate Stephanie Boyd Fundraiser, 11-12

Stephanie Boyd (photo)
Fundraiser for Judicial Candidate, 290th District Court, Thursday, November 12th, 6- 8 p.m. @ Tommy Moore’s Café & Deli, 915 S. Hackberry.

Working Women's Celebration, Paul Talamantez Party, 11-5

Working Women's Celebration
You are invited to a party for Paul Talamantez, candidate for Judge of the 285th District Court, November 5th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. @ Absolutely Everything Catering, 3915 San Pedro Ave. 78212. Please RSVP by October 30th to 385-9075.

Fundraiser for Philip Cortez attracts big names to Giraud, 10-27

L-R: Councilman Philip Cortez with former Mayor & SAISD Board Member Ed Garza, with Haven For Hope President Bill Greehey, & DA candidate Nico LaHood, David Starr & son, Matthew, Mayor Julian Castro, Councilman Justin Rodriguez, Councilwoman Jennifer Ramos, Haven for Hope President Bill Greehey, Jorge Urby, Terrie Doughtery, Cortez staffer Tim Salas, Commissioners Tommy Adkisson, Chico Rodriguez & Paul Elizondo, District Clerk Margaret Montemayor, Judges Linda Penn & husband, Tony, Gloria Saldana, Phil Kazen, Catherine Torres-Stahl & Michael LaHood, Leo Gomez, former State Rep. & SAWS President & CEO Robert Puente & wife, Carmen, Leticia Cantu, Marty Wender, former Mayor & SAISD Board Member Ed Garza, Firefighter's Union Legislative Director Nathan Alonzo & DA candidate Nico LaHood, Luis Vela, former Councilman Joe Alderete, Bexar County Democratic Party Chair candidate Choco Meza, former SAPOA President Teddy Stewart, Cliff Douglas, Jane Macon, Christie Cruz, George Ramos, Elva Abundis, supporters, judicial candidate Deborah Sandheinrich sign, Cortez sign, Giraud Club

Councilman Philip Cortez drew a number of elected officials and business leaders to his fundraiser @ the Giraud club, 10-27th.