Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas Greeting from Attorney General Greg Abbott

Throughout the Christmas season, our thoughts turn to joy and hope born in a humble manger on a holy night more than 2,000 years ago. That night, a bright star shone vividly in the eastern sky, heralding the birth of Jesus and the commencement of His divine mission as a teacher, servant, and savior. Today, His example of lasting and unconditional love for each and every person continues to strengthen and enliven individuals across the globe.

Christmas is a wonderful time for giving, and as we reach out to family and friends, we open our hearts to those less fortunate than ourselves. Let us embrace the message of Christ by living the profound and universal teaching that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. Let us cast new hope on the impoverished in order to solve conflicts, both timeworn and new. Finally, let us resolve to build a future where all people learn to live together in harmony; where our children know true joy; and where our hopes for peace, freedom, and prosperity for all are finally fulfilled.

I pray your Christmas will be blessed with plentiful fellowship, and my family and I wish you a day of joyous tidings.

Wishing you a blessed holiday season,
Greg Abbott

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