Tuesday, September 14, 2010

St. Rep. nominee Lyle Larson Campaign Rally-Alamo Cafe, 9-15

Lyle Larson (photo)
State Rep. Dist. 122 nominee

Last week was busy on the campaign trail!

Last week, we were invited by the San Antonio Express-News Editorial Board to seek their endorsement. My opponent, Masarrat Ali, and I met face-to-face to discuss our philosophies on governing and answered questions from the board.

I discussed my legislative priorities and offered solutions to the school finance issue, $18 billion budget shortfall, election of the Texas Transportation Commission and Public Utilities Commission, city-county consolidation, ending diversions from dedicated funds and many other issues impacting folks in the 122nd. The board’s choice should appear in the paper in the coming weeks. We’ll be sure to share the outcome with you!

Dr. Bernard Swift, DO wrote a letter asking each of the approximately 1,500 physicians in district 122 to support our campaign. Several volunteers from the Texas Medical Association’s political action committee, TEXPAC, came to help stuff and stamp the letters at the campaign office. We greatly appreciate the support of the medical community in Bexar County!

We attended the September meeting of the Republican Business Women of Bexar County and visited with several activists and supporters.

I was invited to speak before the Stone Oak Rotary Club during their September membership meeting. We had at a great discussion about several issues, including illegal immigration, the state budget, toll roads and other issues of interest to the membership.

We were proud to help sponsor 9/11 Never Forget Memorial at St. Mary’s University, put on by the College Republicans chapter. Please take a look at the photos of the event.

We received several great endorsements last week, including:
Texas Young Conservatives
Texas Municipal Police Association
The Architects of Texas

You should start seeing our new campaign signs around the district. If you have a place to post a 4’x8’ or would like a sign for your yard, please let us know!

Don't forget, this Wednesday, September 15th, we’re hosting a campaign rally at Alamo CafĂ© on 281 from 6-7:30 p.m.

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