Thursday, September 09, 2010

More on Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid @ United Dems, 9-8

L-R: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid with Congressman Ciro Rodriguez' wife, Carolina, State Senator Leticia van de Putte, Congressional nominee Lainey Melnick, Judges Ray Olivarri & Laura Salinas, Mikal Watts, Congressman Charlie Gonzalez, Pct. 2 Constable Val Flores, Jessica Cerda, former Congressman Albert Bustamante, State Rep. Jose Menendez, Paul Torres, Taj. Matthews & kids, District Clerk Margaret Montemayor, Andres Gonzalez, former NW Bexar County Democrats Chair Joyce Dorrycott, NW Bexar County Democrats Chair Jacob Middleton, Christian Archer, signs

More photos from the visit of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's visit to the Bexar County United Democrats on Broadway, September 8th.

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