Thursday, September 16, 2010

Judicial nominee Pamela Gabriel Craig Meet & Greet, 9-16

L-R: Judicial nominee Pamela Gabriel Craig with friends, with Johnny Gabriel Sr., with Cindy Gabriel, Rita & Judge johnny Gabriel, Johnny Gabriel Sr. & wife, Susy Williams, Liz Campos, former El Fey Feo Ronnie Gabriel, Judges Michael LaHood, Johnny Gabriel JoAnn deHoyos, & Ernest Acevedo, Union Reps Kathrine Thompson-Garcia, & Terri Ramos, AFL-CIO Central Labor Council (CLC) President Gloria Parra, Terri Doughtery, attendees, mariachis, Little Red Barn

A fundraiser for judicial nominee Pamela Gabriel Craig drew a full house @ the Little Red Barn on Hackberry, September 16th.

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