Friday, September 03, 2010

AFL-CIO celebrates Labor Day @ local restaurant, 9-2

L-R: Benevolence Works CEO Linda Hartman with Lt. Guv. nominee Linda Chavez-Thompson, with Absoutlely Eveything Catering Owner Diane Cortez, & with Congressman Ciro Rodriguez & his wife, Carolina, C.J. Littlefield & Ralph Medina, John Courage, Jessica Barraza, Bob Comeaux, Hank Brown, Ed Reid, Andy Ramos, State Rep. Joe Farias, Ag. commissioner nominee Hank Gilbert, Terri Ramos, judicial nominees Ina Castillo & Alfredo Ximenez, Judges Monica Guerrero, Catherine Torres-Stahl, Ray Olivarri, David Rodriguez, & Barbara Nellermoe, union members, political cards, Absolutely Everything Catering

The local AFL-CIO Central Labor Council (CLC) celebrated Labor Day early with a gathering @ Absolutely Everything Catering on San Pedro, Setember 2nd with elected officials, candidates and union members.

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