Sunday, May 25, 2008

Anais Biera thanks Veterans for serving Country in time of War

Memorial Day 2007 photo @ Ft. Sam Houston
Anais Biera & Steve Walker (photo)

Good Evening Walker,

During this Memorial Day Weekend, we take this moment to reflect on the Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Coast Guard and Sailors who have served in military theaters, many of those made the ultimate sacrifice.

The granddaughter of two WWII Veterans; an Army Soldier who landed on Normandy on D-Day and a Sailor who served in the Pacific, the daughter of a former Marine and Purple Heart Recipient, who served in Vietnam in 1966-1967, I take this moment and remember Veterans of past and present military theaters.

Walker, I want to thank you very much for your service in the US Army and in Vietnam. My simple words of thank you, cannot fully describe my gratitude. With sincerest gratefulness, I thank you and all Veterans for your unwavering courage and service.

Your Friend,
Anais Biera

Editor's Note: Walker Report Publisher Steve Walker, an Army Reservist for 30 years, served in Viet Nam in 1970-71 as well as Desert Storm @ the Penatgon in 1991 as a Public Affairs Specialist. Walker is 3rd generation Veteran. His grandfather served in WWI & father in WWII.

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