Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Justin Rodriguez says, "thank you" to voters

Justin Rodriguez (photo)
Newly elected Councilman

Dear Friends,
Thank you once again for believing in our campaign for a better District 7. Our resounding victory on Saturday was a testament to the hard work of our many volunteers and supporters. We could not have done it without you.

We believe that the people of District 7 responded to our message for a number of reasons. First, it was positive - and it stayed that way throughout the campaign. Second, it was personal - in that we stood on welcome mats all over the district and spoke face-to-face with constituents. And, finally, it was inclusive - everyone had a voice and will continue to have a voice in shaping our community.

As I stated on election night, the hard work has really just begun. In the coming days, I will be meeting with Mayor Hardberger, my new council colleagues and the city manager to discuss priorities for District 7 and the city of San Antonio. As always, I welcome your input. We will continue to utilize our campaign website and headquarters for the next few weeks as we transition to our council office. Please stop by or send us an email.

On behalf of my wife, Victoria, and our entire family, thank you for a fantastic ride. And stay tuned!

Warmest regards,
Justin Rodriguez

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