Thursday, October 19, 2006

Uresti confronts bad behavior of Bonilla's brother

Albert Uresti (photo)
Congressional District 23 candidate

Albert Uresti is aghast that Henry Bonilla would make light of his brother’s lewd and hostile behavior. Bonilla, in a KSAT 12 interview, laughed when asked about his brother’s recent threats.

Uresti’s sister, Anna Marie Hernandez, was alone and unaccompanied when Ben Bonilla, Henry Bonilla’s brother, arrived. She felt threatened and intimidated by him, so she immediately called police.

Mr. Bonilla has far exceeded his normal, negative campaigning and entered into an entirely different arena. At approximately 1:20 p.m. on October 16th, Ben Bonilla stormed uninvited into the Albert Uresti for Congress headquarters and threatened to take down Uresti’s signs on the Southside.

“In my twenty-five years in the fire department, I have rendered aid to many battered and frightened women. And I don’t recall any of them laughing or making light of their situation,” said Uresti.

In addition, Uresti demands a public apology from Bonilla. “My entire family is upset. It is simply outrageous that I cannot trust my political opponent enough to not harass my female workers at the headquarters,” said Uresti.

Uresti is not amused by the Bonilla response to the threatening, inappropriate behavior. Uresti contends that, “Bonilla has shown little tact for the situation and for the concern of women. His response is reminiscent of the insensitivity shared by former Gubernatorial candidate, Clayton Williams.”

“My campaign promotes moral and family values and protection for men, women and children. Bonilla's campaign obviously does not,” stated Uresti.

1 comment:

  1. Hey. Uresti is this the pot calling the kettle black.

    Your not worth it..
