Thursday, July 20, 2006

Joaquin Castro's war chest bigger than opponent

Joaquin Castro with brother, Julian (photo)
Julian is on the left

Records show that State Rep. District 25, Joaquin Castro, is raising more campaign contributions that his opponent, Nelson Baldido. The two term state rep. has $28-thousand dollars on hand, vs. his opponent with only $2,100.

While Balido claims to be a serious contender, Castro points out that $15-thousand of his opponents contributions have come from one individual: Houston homebuilder Bob Perry, a major give to Republican candidates in Texas.

Castro says, "If the only thing he has to talk about is my fundraisiing, he obviously doesn't have much to say about the issues facing the district."

Castro is also hosting a re-election rally at Woodlawn Lake at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 22nd. All are invited to participate. Refreshments furnished.


  1. Didn't they both raise almost the same amount of money? That's not good when only Joaquin is the incumbent.

  2. This was a dumb response. Am I the only one who noticed that the article was about fundraising? When Joaquin responded "If the only thing he has to talk about is my fundraising he doesn't have anything else...". Why would he be talking about the price of tea when the article was about fundraising? We're not going to beat Nelson Balido with this kind of stupidity.
