Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Farias praises bi-partisan support to cancel Accenture contract with the state

Joe Farias, Democratic candidate for StateRepresentative- District 118, today praised the actions of 60 State House members calling for the cancellation of Accenture's contract with the state for non-performance reasons.

"Today I stand side by side with 60 bipartisan State House members and congratulate them for calling for the cancellation of Accenture's contract with the Texas Department of Health and Human Services.

"As stated in their letter, `every dollar we spend on our health and human services is precious.' We cannot afford, with the future deficits placed upon us by the Republican backed, special session tax bills, to throw more money down a black hole.

"Our fellow Texans deserve better than having their private information sent to a wrong fax number in Seattle. Our state employees deserve better than having Accenture's failed call center workload dumped on to their desk.

"When elected, I will gladly be the 61st State Representative to step forward and call for the cancellation of this contract."

Joe Farias, a former three-term Harlandale School Board Trustee and City of San Antonio Zoning Commissioner with deep ties to the Southside of San Antonio, recently won the Democratic Primary forHD-118 outright with just under 57% of the vote in a four-way race.

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